Superluminescent Light Emitting Diodes (SLEDs) utilize spontaneous emission amplification in a semiconductor waveguide to generate broad-spectrum light with low coherence. The structure and material composition of the SLED chip influence the gain dynamics and polarization-dependent amplification, affecting the performance and efficiency of the emitted radiation. SLEDs are ideal for applications requiring high spectral bandwidth, low temporal coherence, and minimal noise, such as in optical coherence tomography (OCT), and high-resolution spectroscopy, offering a balance of high power and wide spectrum for precision optical measurements.
- High power output
- Metal-coupled and hermetic package
- PM or SM fibre pigtail
- Optical fiber 8pin or 14 pin butterfly package
- Optical test systems
- Optical fiber transmission system
- Fiber optic sensor
- Optical coherence tomography (OCT)